Why It Pays to Go ‘Beyond Local’ When Hiring a Dental Marketing Company
Dental marketing is not an easy thing to master. It takes time to cultivate the knowledge and experience required to help any dental practice get noticed, whether it’s online or off. So when it comes to looking for a dental marketing company, it’s probably not a good idea to limit yourself to your immediate geographical location.
It’s easy to see why a dental professional might want to go with a local marketing company. After all, isn’t it better to be able to look someone in the eye and shake their hand when doing business?
But there are more than a few reasons that you may want to look ‘beyond local’ when searching for dental marketing firms. Here are a few of those reasons right now.
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Why It Pays to Work with a Non-Local Dental Marketing Firm
Get a Competitive Edge: It may be convenient and ‘easy’ to go with a local company, but your competitors are likely working with the best marketing firms in the nation. If you want to beat those competitors, it might pay to widen your scope. Start looking nationwide for the best marketing companies available if you have dreams of being the best dental practice around.
Face-to-Face Meetings: For as long as business meetings have existed, it’s always been thought that face-to-face is best. When you’re able to look someone in the eye, you can adequately gauge their tone of voice and body language. This isn’t always possible over the phone. But who says you need to use the phone when conducting business with non-local marketing companies?
With the technology we now have in place – very commonplace technology – you can engage in face-to-face meetings with people all over the world. Take Skype and Google Hangouts, for example. Now you can meet and do business with people no matter where they might be located; and adequately gauging their tone of voice and body language is simple, since you can see them in full-color on your screen.
Contracts & Other Document Signings: You may find yourself thinking, “How am I supposed to sign on the dotted line if I’m not in the same room with my marketing company?” With local marketing agreements, you can meet in the same room and sign documents, and this ensures that everyone is on the same page.
This is another area where technology has saved the day. These days it’s easy to digitally sign documents, even contracts. Just sign, scan with your mobile phone or desktop scanner and send the contract on – it’s as easy as that.
You Can Contact the Company Anytime: If you have a problem you want taken care of or a question you want answered, you might think it’s better to hire a local dental marketing company. That way you can call or stop by anytime. Plus, it’s unlikely that the company will just take off without a word.
But you can also contact a company halfway across the world anytime you like – you just need the proper contact details in order to do so.
These days you have email addresses, phone numbers, Skype handles and even physical addresses if you feel like sending a letter or postcard. The fact is, the world is much smaller today because of technology, so just because the company isn’t local doesn’t mean you can’t contact them whenever you want.
Firing the Company if it Doesn’t Follow Through: You may think that it’s easier to fire local dental marketing companies if they’re not producing results. After all, you can just visit the firm or call them up.
But as we’ve already established, anything you can do locally, you can also do across the world – as long as you have the proper technology. And these days, who doesn’t have a computer, smartphone or Skype account?
If the marketing company you hired doesn’t follow through on its promises or it’s been months with little to no results, you can just shoot the non-producing marketing offenders an email, fire up Skype or enact a Google Hangout to tell the firm, “You’re Fired!” And in that way, it’s actually easier to fire a non-local marketing company than it would be if you had to drive across town to do the firing in person.
Don’t Neglect the Best Because of Geographical Location: The fact of the matter is, the best-of-the-best dental marketing firms are most likely NOT located in your local city. They might be, but probably not.
The point is, don’t neglect a company just because it’s not one of your neighbors. At the same time, don’t automatically assume because a firm is located in ‘Austin’ or ‘San Francisco’ that it must be a marketing ‘trendsetter’. Rather, in order to hire the best marketing firm out there, do the proper research, ask for case studies and trust your gut.
There are many factors that can let you know if a dental marketing company is right for your needs, but geographical location should not be one of them.