Best Practices for a Dentist Website

The dentist website is one of the best ways to promote your dental practice, but not just any website will do. You can't expect to slap a generic cookie-cutter website online and hope to get leads. Instead, your website needs to be professionally designed from the bottom up with a heavy focus on search engine optimization. Follow these best practices for successful dental websites to help you drive more new patients through your practice doors.

Custom Design With A Focus On Local Marketing

For successful dental web design, everything must be considered, from the colors to the navigation to the overall layout. Before proper web design can commence, proper research must be done. This includes market research and competitor research to help you develop a highly-unique and competitive market brand.

Keyword Strategy And Unique Optimized Page Copy

Proper keyword research is key if you want potential new patients to be able to find your practice online. By using various online tools, you should determine which keywords potential new patients are using to search for dentists and dental services in your area. Your keywords should be locally focused and should include your state, city or county. You should then use these keywords to craft unique, informative and engaging page copy that is effectively optimized for the search engines.

Strategic Contact Form Selection With Strong Calls-To-Action & Chat Box Integration

The ultimate goal of your website is to get potential new patients to contact you. This can easily be accomplished by incorporating an easy-to-find-and-use contact form on your website.

Your contact form should ask for a minimal amount of information and you should have strong calls-to-action on every page asking or telling your website visitors to contact you. For extra effect, incorporate a chat box that will provide a personal touch to your site that new visitors will surely appreciate.

Scrolling Top Banner Allowing Several Marketing Messages

Scrolling banners solve two problems. First, they keep the information on your homepage moving. Each time the message scrolls, it provides new information that will stoke your visitors' short attention spans. More importantly, scrolling banners allow you to provide valuable information to your website visitors, including announcements for new specials, new services, new dental staff additions and more.

Keep your dentist website homepage dynamic with a scrolling banner and your website will appear light years ahead of any competitors that offer boring static homepages that never change.

Include Trust Emblems

Trust is not easy to accomplish in the online marketing world. There are too many scammers and spammers out there and the general Internet public is growing warier by the day. However, when dentist website visitors see trust emblems placed on your site, usually in the footer, it helps to develop an instant trust connection. Trust emblems help dramatically with conversions. Use them whenever possible.

Testimonials From Satisfied Customers


Including testimonials on your website is another great way to build trust with visitors. Each time patients comes in, ask them if they'd like to provide a testimonial for the practice website.

When new visitors read your testimonials, they will feel more comfortable making an appointment because they'll know that others have experienced positive results by using your services.

Embedded Video and Blog With RSS

Video is a great way to engage your audience with your dental marketing message. You might give at-home dental tips in a face-to-face video or you may give a friendly tour of your dental practice.

Upload these videos to YouTube and other video sharing sites and then embed them on your site. You will also want to keep an updated blog that includes news, updates, tips, and tricks related to dentistry and dentistry services. Make sure your readers can find your RSS feed so that they can always remain up-to-date with all of your posts.

With new videos and blogs on a regular basis, you'll keep your website content fresh, which new patients and search engines alike will appreciate.

Set Up Analytics And Submit Sitemap To Google Webmaster Tools (Conversion Tracking)

Once your website is built and optimized, set up an analytics platform so that you can keep track of your conversions. These are website visitors that have called or come into your practice to inquire about services or make an appointment.

You will also want to develop a sitemap, which helps the search engines find and crawl your site for better rankings. You will then submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, which will further help with analytics and fine tuning as your website ages.

With these dentist website best practices in place, it won't take long before new patients start calling, contacting and walking-in to make an appointment for your premium dental services.


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