Practice Growth Tips For Busy Dentists #6

We found some great articles full of dental growth tips and wanted to pass them along. We know you're busy, so this is the "best of the best" we've found lately. Thanks to Dentistry IQ and Dental Economics for sharing information included in this post!

Is It Time To Clean Out Those Old Accounts?

What are your dental practice's guidelines for accounts receivables (AR)? Do those guidelines make sure your practice collects what you're owed? This front office manager shares her expertise for getting AR up to speed.

When You Want New Patients & You Want Them NOW

The most effective method of digital advertising is at your fingertips. There is no better way to drive interested patients to your website rather than ‘earning’ them from organic search marketing. Keep reading to discover how to put Google advertising for dentists and PPC dental marketing to work for you.

Are Employees Leaving Your Practice Right After Being Hired?

Any time a team member leaves your practice, this is a good time to assess your standard operating procedures. Blaming it on the staff member does not help you grow as a leader. Learning from experience builds your leadership wisdom.

Dental Website Marketing: Create A Website That Drives Production Up

Does your practice’s website “pay for itself” by generating consistent revenue? If not, take the time to download our newest Dental Insider’s Guide and use the tools we’ve provided to give your site a checkup.

The Outlier Cancer: We’re Behind The Curve

Most dental offices are still using methods from the 1800s when screening for oral cancer. But with the advent of new technologies, Whitman says, it's time to change the status quo.

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